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VBA UI Tutorials

Today, we're diving into Visual Basic for Applications, or VBA.


Our goal will be to build a time-saving library for UI and form generation.


If you've ever found yourself spending countless hours performing repetitive tasks in Excel or any other Microsoft Office application, this library is for you. We're about to explore some incredibly handy VBA utility functions that will turbocharge your workflow like never before. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of VBA programming, these functions are sure to become your new best friends. So, fire up your code editor, and let's embark on this exciting journey.

Updating text in a table

Updating text in a table using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) in Microsoft Word is a useful skill when you need to automate document editing tasks. This tutorial will guide you through the steps of updating text within a table in Word using VBA.


  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word.

  • Access to the Developer tab in Word. If it's not visible, you can enable it by going to File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon and checking the "Developer" checkbox.

Step 1: Open the Visual Basic Editor

  1. Open the Word document that contains the table you want to update.

  2. Go to the Developer tab.

  3. Click on "Visual Basic" to open the Visual Basic for Applications editor.

Step 2: Insert a New Module

  1. In the VBA editor, right-click on "ThisDocument" of your Word document in the Project window.

  2. Choose Insert -> Module. This creates a new module where you can write your VBA code.

Step 3: Write the VBA Code to Update Table Text

Paste the following code into the module window. This example assumes you want to update the text in the first cell of the first table in your document.

Hiding and showing rows in a table

Hiding rows in a table using VBA in Microsoft Word is a bit trickier than in Excel because Word does not have a built-in method to hide rows directly. However, you can achieve a similar outcome by setting the row height to a minimal value or changing the font size to 1, which makes the row appear hidden. Below is a guide on how to programmatically hide rows in a Word table using VBA.


Understanding the Approach

Since Word doesn't support hiding table rows directly, we'll make the rows "invisible" by setting the text font size to a very small size. This method effectively hides the row from view while keeping it in the document.

Getting tables in a document

Retrieving all tables from a document using VBA in Microsoft Word allows you to manipulate or analyze the tables programmatically. Whether you're looking to extract data, format tables, or perform any bulk operations, accessing tables through VBA provides a powerful tool to automate these tasks. Here's how to get started.

Adding checkboxes to a document

Adding checkboxes to a Microsoft Word document via VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) can enhance interactivity, especially for forms or checklists. You can insert checkboxes either as Form Field checkboxes or as ActiveX Control checkboxes. Form Field checkboxes are simpler and work well for printed documents, while ActiveX Control checkboxes offer more flexibility and functionality, suitable for digital forms.

Adding dropdowns

Adding dropdown boxes to a Microsoft Word document using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) can significantly enhance the functionality of forms or interactive documents. Dropdown boxes allow users to select an option from a list, making data entry easier and more accurate. Like checkboxes, dropdowns can be added as Form Field dropdowns, which are suitable for printed and digital forms, and provide a simple, straightforward way to capture user input.

Adding tables

Creating tables programmatically in a Microsoft Word document using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a powerful way to automate the setup of standardized tables, ensuring consistency and saving time. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a table in Word using VBA, including specifying the number of rows and columns, and setting basic properties.

Adding shapes

Adding shapes to a Microsoft Word document via VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) allows for dynamic document customization and can be particularly useful for creating visually engaging content, diagrams, or for visually highlighting information. Here’s how to add shapes programmatically to your Word document using VBA.

Adding comboboxes

Cell and range getters

Adding a checkbox to a table row in a Microsoft Word document via VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) allows you to create interactive documents, forms, or checklists within your tables. This involves inserting a Form Field checkbox into a specific cell within the row. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to programmatically add a checkbox to a row in a Word table using VBA.

Adding buttons to a document

Adding buttons to a Microsoft Word document via VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) typically involves using ActiveX controls. These controls are useful for creating interactive documents, forms, or applications within Word itself. A button, when clicked, can execute VBA code, making it a powerful tool for automating tasks. Here's how to programmatically add a command button to your Word document using VBA.

Table row design

Merging cells in a table within a Microsoft Word document via VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) can be essential for customizing table layouts, creating headers, or organizing information more effectively. Here’s how you can automate the process of merging cells in a table using VBA.

Protecting a document

Protecting a Word document through VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) allows you to automate the process of securing your document's content. This can include restricting editing, formatting, or making the document read-only, depending on your requirements. Here's how you can programmatically protect a Word document using VBA.

Document formatting

Adjusting document margins and formatting the document itself through VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) in Microsoft Word allows for precise control over the appearance and layout of your document. This can be particularly useful for standardizing document formats, preparing documents for printing, or automating the setup of numerous documents to conform to specific requirements. Here’s how to programmatically adjust margins and apply basic formatting to your Word document using VBA.

Table formatting

Adding content to a document

Adding text content to a Microsoft Word document using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a fundamental task that can be easily automated, enhancing your ability to generate or modify documents efficiently. This can be especially useful for inserting predefined text, generating reports, or populating templates programmatically. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add text to different parts of a Word document using VBA.

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